IT Customer
Satisfaction Survey
Developed, deployed and analyzed results of
a comprehensive, annual IT Customer Satisfaction Survey
a comprehensive, annual IT Customer Satisfaction Survey
Our Client
- IT wanted a way to understand their customers in order to better align with their goals, provide relevant services, and improve customer service
- Business units were conducting IT vendor management functions without IT support/input
- IT was “putting out fires” “after the fact”
- IT had relied on anecdotal customer feedback for service improvement efforts
Our Engagement
- Conducted interviews and brainstorming sessions with IT leaders and managers resulting in the identification of topic areas where more customer feedback was desired
- A comprehensive IT Customer Satisfaction Survey was developed with questions designed to solicit customer feedback on all major functions of IT
- Survey was deployed; results analyzed and presented to IT leadership & IT staff
- Recommendations made around areas of dissatisfaction with IT
Our Results
- Results of the Survey serve as the “baseline” of customer service
- Survey disseminated annually to track/compare progress
- First year results drove creation of Five IT Initiative Teams to tackle key areas of improvement
- Subsequent years' results have continued to drive the fine-tuning of improvements and identify new areas for focus